For this paired project, we had to design and create an engaging visual timeline that showcased key developments and events in the history of typeface design. This timeline was intended to engage and educate readers, making it an essential component of an exhibition focused on the past and future of letterforms. The exhibition was to be displayed in a gallery or museum, with our timeline prominently mounted on a long wall at eye level for optimal viewing.
The project required us to research and explore various approaches to timelines. Our goal was to develop a design that conveyed historical information and aligned aesthetically with the subject matter. We aimed to create a timeline that could handle multiple layers of information seamlessly and attractively.
We drew on the knowledge and materials from previous modules, using the reading lists and our class presentations as initial resources. Additionally, we extended our research beyond these materials, incorporating insights from James Mosely’s renowned video lectures on the history of letterforms and typography. This approach ensured that our timeline was well-informed and detailed.

Read the design report below 

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